Anil Vishnu G K Awarded SITARE -Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award 2020
Anil Vishnu GK, Ph.D. scholar working with Dr. Hardik J. Pandya at the Biomedical and Electronic Engineering Systems Laboratory (BEES), DESE has been awarded the SITARE-Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award, 2020 for the project titled “A Portable Diagnostic Platform for Rapid Label-free Phenotyping of Breast Cancer.” The award, given by Students Innovations for Translation & Advancement of Research Explorations (SITARE) along with BIRAC, consists of project funding of INR 15 lakh for two years for life sciences related applications having high translational potential. The fund recipients are recognized as BIRAC’s SITARE-GYTI beneficiaries. An Indian provisional patent has been filed for the invention. Anil is jointly supervised by Prof. Hardik J. Pandya (DESE) and Prof. Annapoorni Rangarajan (MRDG).