Electronic Product Design (EPD)
Hands on Program to become an Entrepreneur, become Atmanirbhar
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This is part of a ‘Special Manpower Development Programme (SMDP) funded by MeiTY to give a push towards entrepreneurship and self-reliance in electronic product design…


  • There is significant lack of entrepreneurs/industries in electronic products segment
  • Tech start-ups in electronic product discipline is very limited
  • There is a need to push towards entrepreneurship and self-reliance in electronic product design
  • This programme is consistent and complements the national Atmanirbhar programme.


  • By ensuring students experience all the stages and processes involved in conceptualizing, investigating, designing, and manufacturing electronic products
  • By training students to produce creative design leaders in electronic products and  to prepare the future entrepreneurs in electronic product design
  • By providing strong entrepreneurship background along with strong electronic product design skills
  • Hand holding even beyond the Mtech programme by providing support for incubation


Department of Electronic Systems Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science,
Phone: +91-80-2360 0810
+91-80-2293 2246
Fax: +91-80-2293 2290
email: office@dese.iisc.ernet.in